Charles Sedlak shows you how to add a little more flavor and personality to your pentatonic scale, for that electric blues guitar you have sitting at home, collecting dust. Some break out the Pledge, ...
Charles Sedlak shows you how to exercise your blues skills and improve your playing technique. Play along with these riffs to master your abilities. But just so you know, you might want to know how ...
Charles Sedlak demonstrates the difference between legato and staccato notes when playing blues on your electric guitar. Every one should learn this, so don't say 'you don't need it'. ...
These techniques are important for playing any type of solo - here Charles Sedlak will show you how to do hammer-ons and pull-offs. And no, you don't actually need a hammer for this, and if you thoug ...
Blues isn't just about what you play, but how you play it. Here, Charles Sedlak shows you how to style your blues playing with vibrato techniques. Feel those strings, personally, for perfect bend pi ...
Charles Sedlak shows you the pentatonic blues scale, consisting of five notes. You definitely need to know these, if you want to hit some awesome riffs. ...
Charles Sedlak shows you how to master the 12-bar blues and a moveable 12-bar pattern. We will begin in the key of G. Pay attention and you'll never need another lesson, ever again (just kidding, yo ...
Charles Sedlak shows you the Rumba Blues - a great tune to spice up your playing using a hammer-on! You say you don't need any spicing up, but nobody believes you. Watch the lesson, please, for ever ...
Charles Sedlak shows you 'blues buffs' how to properly tune your guitar for a perfect blues experience. You already know how? Fine, then don't watch. But you'll be missing out. ...
Today, having a beat-up old guitar is preferable to having a bright shiny new one. Luthier Steve Soest summarizes what he did to relic two guitars. These easy steps will transform your brand new gui ...